For the past 10 months we have been without a permanent residence. We’ve relied on The Lord’s provision for a home for our family and made a million memories along the way. We are so grateful for the amazing friends, family, and supporters that we have and can lean on heavily at times of need. […]
Tom Scatliff
So one of the great projects I get to work on is a monitor for water pumps. This is an amazing (to me) graphic from Credit: ( 780 million!!! That’s ridiculous (and not in the funny way)! Something needs to be done about this. Here at the Technology Center, we’ve begun partnering with […]
While doing some research at work today, I came across this: Very thought provoking and sobering. I’m keeping this in my back pocket for an ice-breaker or group activity in the future. Just wanted to share, in case you could use it too.
Driving to work this morning a Matthew West song came on the radio, and the lyrics hit HOME. This to why we are here. And it was a perfect reminder for me. Tom and I have always said, if those who are willing and able don’t do something, then who will? We are so thankful […]
We are still here! Settling into life and getting deeper into our service opportunities here in Elkhart and at the Technology Center. We moved from one friends’ house to another this past weekend and will remain here until we secure our own place. Yes, one day we won’t be living out of suitcases! (Or so […]
Two weeks ago I (Candice) started work to the Technology Center as well. I’m the center’s Community Health Consultant and couldn’t be more thrilled about it. It is a new position, so it will take a lot of development, but I’m up for the challenge. I’m excited to be back at work using my education […]
I open my eyes. Flashes of light fill the room. Rousing from sleep I’m confused why it’s my phone buzzing that woke me at such an hour and not the kids. Curious, I flip it over: EMERGY ALERT. Tornado warning in this area for 1:00am.Take cover now. Check local media. It’s 12:52am. I jolt out […]
This is the day we’ve longed for, worked towards, prayed about, and dreamt of. It was a bitter sweet moment this morning when we all kissed daddy goodbye. We have had the incredible blessing of us four being together most days for most of the day since Matthew came barreling into this world late October. Thanks […]
It’s almost been two weeks since we’ve arrived in Elkhart. For the time being (and the foreseeable future) we are staying with a friend who has graciously taken in us four (noisy, sticky, mess-making) Scatliffs. Our days have been filled with administrative stuff (obtaining social security numbers, applying for new insurances, establishing a new banking […]
Today marks one full week of being in Indiana. This past week has been far more emotionally challenging than I ever anticipated, but thankfully the past few days have drawn us back to what matters and I’m reminded as to why we are here. As I head to bed tonight, I’m clinging to words of […]