As we sat down to dinner at a dear friend’s house the other night, our last meal together before heading west for support raising for an unknown length of time, I commented on the inukshuk statue she had on the table. I hadn’t ever noticed it before. My friend asked if I knew that they […]
In just 12 days, we head west! West to see our families (and introduce our son Matthew!), to celebrate Christmas, and to continue support raising. We still have 25% of our ongoing support to raise and are moving forward in faith that this will come through – so much so, we are applying for our […]
Matthew Adrian Scatliff <3 Born October 28th, 2013 at 8:15am 9 pounds 21 inches and very, very loved
WOW!!! We are absolutely floored and humbled by the support we’ve received over the last couple of months. Amazing, truly amazing! This has to be God’s hand at work. Lakeshore Church exceeded(!) their goal of $20000. That puts us so close to going, we can taste it. So, here’s a great big THANK YOU to […]
We haven’t reached our goal yet, but have been graciously given 2 more weeks!!! Yes, the matching donation challenge is still on. Every bit helps, especially because it is DOUBLED. Booya! To get in on this challenge, use the ‘donate now’ button on the post below this one 🙂 In other great news, […]
An anonymous donor has put forward an awesome challenge – For the month of September From now until Thanksgiving (!!), any donations toward our mission will be MATCHED DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR up to $10,000!!! (which would then become $20,000!!!). Is that not amazingly awesome? We are heading into the final stretch of support raising before heading […]
As you can see, the new site is live! We have lots to add in, fill out, and update… But it’s here! Let us know if you need a tutorial on how to leave a comment, contact us, or access different pages. Although we were able to bring over all of our previous posts, the […]
Powerful message on the importance of radio (Source:
Another great video about the work we will be doing. (Source: