A huge gift and a great challenge

An anonymous donor has put forward an awesome challenge – For the month of September From now until Thanksgiving (!!), any donations toward our mission will be MATCHED DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR up to $10,000!!! (which would then become $20,000!!!). Is that not amazingly awesome?

We are heading into the final stretch of support raising before heading to the field (just need to find 30 27 more monthly supporters), and this is the boost we need to get us closer to our goal! If you’ve been considering giving, now’s the perfect time!

For more information of what we will be up to, this page gives you the low-down, and our recent newsletters can fill in more details. Or, just chat with us about it!

To give a one-time gift towards our mission, receive a tax-receipt, and have your money MATCHED, DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR you can give securely online via the ‘donate’ button on this page. We will need your mailing address and name so we can get you a tax receipt. These matching-dollar donations will be receipted through Lakeshore Church.

Thank you, everyone, for your support!

