To help shore up this funding shortage we are taking a trip to Manitoba for the month of September. Usually we schedule ample time to meet with each of our supporters one-on-one and spend precious time together (our favorite part of such trips!), but this trip will need to be shorter than usual due to our youngest son having some health concerns. As such, we cannot be away from his doctors in Indiana for very long. By necessity we will be focusing on meeting with groups of people in order to provide everyone an update.
Below is a preliminary speaking schedule for our time in Manitoba.
September 1 – Christian Life Centre, Morden , Manitoba
September 8 – Westend Community Church, MacGregor, Manitoba
September 15 – Faith Fellowship Baptist Church, Brandon, Manitoba
September 22 – Parkside Gospel Church, Dauphin, Manitoba
September 29 – Grace Bible Church, Dauphin, Manitoba
Thank you to everyone who moved over to Global Outreach Mission with us! This time of transition has been a challenging one, but you are who sustains us and it is a great encouragement to move forward together!
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