There are many ways to join our team.

You can subscribe to our newsletter below to join the prayer team:

If you would like to support us financially, you can either use an EFT (direct withdrawal form a bank account) or credit card. Feel free to use whatever makes sense for you, but just note that a 4% processing fee is removed from any credit card gift.

If you’d like to give by EFT (direct withdrawal), please use this link:

Under the “Name of Missionary” box, please just type “Scatliff”.

If you’d prefer to give by credit card, use this link:

On the first page, enter your gift amount at the top of the page where it says “Amount”. Then click “Give”.

On the next page that pops up, be sure to check the box labeled “I would like to make this a recurring donation” if you would like to make a monthly or annual pledge.