Author: Tom Scatliff

A lifetime ago (or was it just 18 months ago?) our family was in the Republic of Congo for a few months to help establish a feeding program for inpatients at Pioneer Christian Hospital. In addition to the feeding program, we started a gardening initiative to help supplement the cost of the feeding program and […]
Many have been asking for more details of our soon-to-be arriving fifth Team Scatliff member. Well, our baby BOY is due to make an appearance sometime during the beginning of December (due date: December 2nd). Yes, a third son! Yes, we are excited. Yes, a hat-trick is certainly a feat. We know lots of great […]
The buzz of summer interns’ enthusiasm, questions, and creativity has lulled as all ten of our students finished their internships and returned to their colleges or set off to find a career. Tom had the privilege of mentoring two interns in the Engineering and Development department this summer; an undergraduate from Handong Global University in […]
Last month we told you about the unrest in South Sudan and alluded to a refugee camp in neighboring Uganda where nearly one million South Sudanese have taken refuge. This camp, known as the Adjumani refugee camp, is home to Radio Usalama FM. This Christian radio station was established to bring hope, peace, and reconciliation […]
Radio monitoring system for Wantok Radio Light in Papua New Guinea Because of your support and many answered prayers, we have now been in Indiana, serving as Reach Beyond missionaries, for a whole year! Praise God!! Thank you for your support and encouragement along the way. This past year has been eventful and very internationally-focused. […]
Matthew (17 months) enjoying the first days of spring. Spring is in the air! Along with the new buds on the trees and perennials awakening from hibernation, we, too, feel a renewal of energy and motivation in our day-to-day activities. Since returning from our time of updating churches and supporters in Manitoba in January, Tom has […]
We’ve been praying a lot, and asking so many of you to do the same, about all the intricacies of this move down to the States. One of the big things, this time of year, is taxes, and that’s something you just don’t want to get wrong! We need help, and there is only One […]
Moringa leaves: packed with micronutrients and complete proteins, these hold promise for helping combat malnutrition in Haiti. “There! There!!” shouted all seven moms, pointing to a large lush tree just off the dirt path we were traveling down. A moringa tree! With leaves rich in vitamins and minerals, and a rare plant source of complete protein, […]
(From our guest blogger JJ:) jj mom ttom off zoo dog moo boo thomas (Not bad for a 3 year old!)
God answers prayers! Grinning from ear to ear, we took possession of a house on August 29th! It is in need of a lot of TLC, but we are taking on the task of applying elbow-grease with joy, for WE ARE HOME! Praise the Lord! Thank you for praying for a home for our family. […]