every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end

This is it. Our last night in the place we’ve called home for four years. The place we scooped up in a heartbeat when we returned from serving in Ecuador. The place we brought our first child home from the hospital to. The place our second son surprised us by arriving while we were still at home. This is it. Our last night.

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with this place. So it’s suiting that this past week I’ve been choked up while excitedly packing to leave.

I’m really looking forward to this giant leap of faith ahead of us.  As Tom summed it up for me yesterday in a much needed packing prep-talk: We are daring to follow our dreams, and babe, this. is. it. We’re going! Let’s GO! 

But tonight, tonight I’m putting the excitement aside for a moment and allowing myself to grieve. Its a feeling that needs to be felt. We are leaving where we’ve called home, moving away from a place where we have amazing friends, departing from a community where we fit in.

“I’ll miss you” feels like a gross understatement right about now. But don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled we’re going.

new beginning
