Malawi and Madagascar.

In February, a team of engineers from SonSet Solution’s Community Development Department (which includes our Tom Scatliff) started working on a new version of our SonSetLink (a satellite-based clean water monitoring system) at the request of a partner ministry in Malawi.

SonSet Solutions, where we work on loan from MissionGO, is excited to partner with this ministry because they faithfully preach the gospel at each and every maintenance visit to their numerous water wells across the country. They also partner with local churches in Malawi to further spread the gospel to people that come to the wells to get clean water.

Photo Credit: Rural Water Supply Network

In spite of the perceived difficulties of designing a new product in the midst of a worldwide lockdown, four prototype units were completed, shipped, and then installed on existing “Afridev” model well pumps in Malawi in April and May. One SonSet Solutions engineer said the design work was actually easier in many ways because there were less interruptions on the project. The design team is now taking data from those prototypes to build a production model for this and other partner ministries that use Afridev pumps.

Join us as we praise God for taking a difficult situation and using it for His glory.

The SonSetTM Radio is having an impact in Madagascar.
SonSet also recently received this short video from a ministry partner in Madagascar that uses the SonSet Radio, which is another one of Tom’s main projects. Tom was greatly encouraged by this pastor’s short message and I hope you are too. Have a look and know that this is only possible because of your generosity and partnership for the Gospel.
