The following was written before the corona crisis really hit. I hesitated about sending it out, considering it isn’t corona related, but maybe we could all use a break from that and benefit from a beautiful reminder of how God provides. 

As for the impact the current global scenario has on our family: We have both transitioned to working from home and are isolating our family 100%, not only as our contribution to the community, but also for the sake of our William. Without knowing what’s going on inside, we are unsure of any underlying conditions he may have so we err on the side of caution and are staying home. We are thankful we homeschool and can continue our mission work while in isolation. We are living under a statewide stay-at-home order, and so the mission building is closed and church gatherings are suspended.

We are still working full-time (from home), plus have taken on many roles with our local church, helping to broadcast the sermons online and coordinating assistance for any needs that arise in our congregation during this time. We’re busy, and very thankful to be able to contribute in such a time as this.

Four stellar pieces of technology were recently crated up and shipped out from our mission in Elkhart. Their purpose had been totally redefined. Previously used for secular purposes, they’ve been given a second lease on life and will now be used in God’s service. 
Secular tools being used for God’s purposes.
SonSet Solutions, where we work on loan from MissionGO (which recently changed their name from Global Outreach Mission), exists to equip global ministry workers with technology tools and services that will help them reach people with the Gospel. When a Peruvian pastor told us two years ago that he received broadcast licenses for three new radio stations, we rejoiced with him! He was now able to bring God’s word to large populations of minority language speakers. However, he was not able to afford the transmitters necessary for such a task. Far to the north and on another continent, God was already orchestrating a solution. 
Two months after we were approached for help, the country of Norway did away with FM broadcasting. Everything is digital now. Someone in that country contacted Christian broadcaster TWR to see if they might have a use for ten nearly-new, top-quality analog FM transmitters, which were suddenly obsolete. TWR, in turn, asked SonSet Solutions if we would have floor space and tools for staging all ten of these transmitters – and we did! Engineers at the office outfitted them for new assignments and four have been shipped off to Peru – including some transmitters for the pastor we heard from in 2017! How cool is that?!”
These shipping crates should get the transmitters safely to Peru.
What a tangible example of how we can be repurposed and given a new lease on life when God replaces our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).  People, we serve an awesome God. 
Thank you for your sacrifices and support so we can serve in missions. 



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