The buzz of summer interns’ enthusiasm, questions, and creativity has lulled as all ten of our students finished their internships and returned to their colleges or set off to find a career. Tom had the privilege of mentoring two interns in the Engineering and Development department this summer; an undergraduate from Handong Global University in South Korea and an undergraduate from Grove City College in Pennsylvania. His interns worked on different techniques for playing audio bibles on the SonSet® Radio and building a prototype of the next version of our water monitoring system. Although mentoring students has its added challenges and longer hours, the added enthusiasm and expertise to projects is certainly a perk. What a privilege it is to mentor budding professions in using their skills and passions in service for the Great Commission.

Tom and his coworker Tim mentoring one of the interns.
In addition to interns, we often have other visitors and ministry partners work temporarily out of our facility in Elkhart, Indiana. Earlier this year a ministry partner from South Africa used our well-equipped media lab to produce a video to raise awareness of the epidemic of human trafficking oversees as well as in our own backyards. The video was primarily used in North American churches and small groups to increase awareness and action on the issue.

Our South African partner sharing our media lab.
It is incredible how international SonSet Solutions (where we work on loan from Reach Beyond) truly is. In the first half of this year we’ve assisted 139 different ministry partners in 57 countries with equipment, service, consultation, and training. May God continue to bless SonSet Solutions, its equipment, missionaries, and ministry partners as we all work in the service of our Creator.
And you, too, as we all work together.



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