Thank you for being part of our team in 2016 – it was an incredible year! The following is my (Candice’s) attempt at summarizing some of the highlights.  If you ever want to know more about any aspect of what we do, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We could do coffee over the phone or, Lord willing, in person next time we are near you.  

Scatliff Family Photo
Jonathan (5) and Matthew (3)

Congo – In January I traveled to the Republic of Congo, Africa, to assist a rural missionary hospital. My job was to provide consultation and assistance in combating the rampant malnutrition in the area. In addition to creating radio content for the community on nutrition and health, and providing education to those in leadership at the hospital, it became apparent that what the hospital really needed was a feeding program for its patients. Until recently, the hospital simply did not have the resources to provide nourishment to inpatients. Food, as you can imagine, is instrumental to healing and health. I met with aide organizations in the area to try and secure resources for the hospital and, although that proved to be a great short-term option,

Candice and translators recording a nutrition and health radio program
in Congo

it became apparent as 2016 progressed that what the hospital desperately needed was a secure source for food. In September we launched a funding campaign to provide just that and, praise God and thanks to all of you who responded, so far we have received funds to supply the hospital with over a year’s worth of food!

I am eager to begin the implementation of this feeding program, but many details still need to be arranged. Please pray this will happen as soon as possible and the feeding program can be under way.  


Candice visiting with women believers in India

– In late February I joined a mission team from southern Manitoba and traveled to Hyderabad, India to work alongside a local church. As women, we were able to minister directly with other women in the country, something a male pastor cannot do. While there I also provided council on prevalent health concerns in the area and collected and tested water samples for safety. Unfortunately, the water in the area was confirmed to be toxically high in fluoride and also contained bacteria. Thankfully, the church I went with raised funds to place a fluoride filter on the well and they are returning at the end of this month to continue that project as well as other outreach programs. The challenges, persecution, and obstacles in India are like no other area I’ve been to. I’m thankful for this southern Manitoba church’s long-term commitment to supporting the church in India, and am grateful I was able to assist in any way I could.

Interns – During the spring we hosted an intern from southern Manitoba for six weeks. It’s always fun and interesting to have a young adult living in your house! Along with helping SonSet Solutions (where we work on loan from Reach Beyond) with media content, he also helped us with home renovation projects. Brayden – thanks for coming!

Through the summer, Tom mentored a group of intern students that came from American engineering colleges. The intern program at SonSet Solutions is a great opportunity to challenge young people to use their formal education for the benefit of missions.  


Boys ready for a long car ride
to Manitoba in June

– We spent the month of June updating churches, speaking with supporters, meeting with mission committees, and reconnecting with friends and family in Manitoba. It was a wonderfully exhausting month.
Visitors – We were back to work at the office in Elkhart in July, but had the blessing of hosting many visitors throughout the summer and fall. Nothing makes a place feel more at home than when someone comes and visits you! If you like broasted chicken, exposure to missions, and home renovation projects, we’ve got a guest room for you!

Haiti – We ended the year with Tom traveling to Haiti late November for three weeks. He installed computer software he designed for a Christian radio station in the capital, Port-Au-Prince. While there he also assisted in repairing some of the radio station infrastructure and studios.

Tom training the radio staff at
Radio Lumiere in Haiti

Tom’s French was an asset during the trip where he often served as translator. A more detailed report of Haiti will be sent out in a few weeks.
In addition to these highlights we worked at the office in Elkhart on various projects throughout the year.  As you can see, we work at a mission that is very internationally focused. During the first three quarters of 2016, SonSet Solutions assisted 142 ministries in 56 countries (year end total statistics aren’t yet available). It is only through the financial gifts and prayers of supporters that any of this work can be done. Please consider these projects, ministries, and outreaches to be yours just as much as ours, because without you, we would not be here.
If you would like to join in the ministry that’s happening through a financial contribution, there are three ways you can do so:

  • Call 1-888-354-4252 (Canada) or 1-800-873-4859 (in the USA)
  • Mail a cheque to the respective address below, indicating account 4110555 (Canada) or 110555 (USA) in the memo line.
  • Give online via this link (Canada) or this link (USA). On the Canadian site, please choose ‘give to a missionary’ from the dropdown list and write Scatliff 4110555 in the comment box.


I look forward to what 2017 has in store for us as we continue to partner to bring the gospel to others.



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