Candice leading a
nutrition class in Peru.

Over six hundred friends, supporters, and community members came to check out SonSet Solutions (where Tom and I serve, via Reach Beyond) at the open house event on August 29th to learn how technology is being used to advance the gospel worldwide. Thank you to everyone for coming out! If you missed it and are (or will be at some point) in the area, we’d love to show you around!

Thanks to the help from a batch of interns this summer, the Electronic Power Protection (EPP) project that Tom has been working is now a fully functioning prototype! This low-cost device will be used to protect radio stations and health care equipment against lightning strikes and dirty power supply often found in developing countries.  We rejoice in this progress and look forward to how it will be used in advancing the gospel. Check out this video they made demonstrating its use (and their not-as-useful dancing skills).

This summer I served in Peru at a partner ministry, Kids Alive International, to provide nutrition and health workshops to an orphanage and affiliated ministries. During the ten-day trip I worked with leadership staff, house moms, and members of the community to help improve the nutritional status of children and families.

Over the past few months we have been blessed with many houseguests! Nothing makes a place feel more like home than visitors. Thank you for coming!

Montreal Bound! The family is Montreal bound later this month! We look forward to connecting with Lakeshore Church, our home church, and touching base with all of our supporters and friends. If you are in the area, please join us Wednesday, September 30th, at Lakeshore Church (470 Brookhaven Ave, Dorval) at 7:30pm. We will be sharing stories, pictures, and videos to give everyone an update on how their investment in missions is doing. Light refreshments will be provided (please let me know if you’re willing to help me out with this!) We hope to see you there!

Funding woes: No one likes to talk about money; but we certainly have a problem on our hands. Since leaving Canada over a year ago the Canadian dollar has dropped 20% against the American dollar. We are based in the states and operate in American dollars, but the majority of our funding comes from Canada, thus leaving us with a 20% gap in our funding. This currently translates to a $1,400CAD/month or $1,050USD/month deficit. Please pray with us that this situation is rectified, and soon. If you would like to help close this gap please donate here for Canadian donations (scroll to the bottom of the page and select us from the dropdown) and here for the USA (at the top of the page, right under our name). Reach Beyond is a registered charity in both countries; you will receive a tax receipt for your donation.  If you would rather phone or mail in your donation, please use the contact information located at the bottom of this letter. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. It is our deep desire to remain in the mission field!



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