After spending a wonderful Christmas with our families here in Manitoba, we are now on Home Mission Assignment (otherwise known as HMA, deputation, or furlough). In a nutshell that means we are spending our time traveling and updating churches, friends, family, and supporters in the Manitoba area.

Last week we were at Faith Evangelical Bible Church of Winkler, Manitoba, tomorrow we are speaking at Grace Bible Church of Dauphin, Manitoba, next Sunday we are part of a missions gathering at Winnipeg Evangelical Free Church and our final Sunday in the area (January 18th) we will be at Westside Gathering in Mac Gregor, Manitoba. Then we head home to Elkhart, Indiana.

In between preparing for and speaking on Sundays, we are meeting with missions committees, families and friends to update them on their investments in missions with us. It is wonderful to report back on the great work that ‘s happening out of Elkhart and it is so nice to be with everyone again. We are also trying to enjoy the cold weather (Winnipeg in January? Who thought of this!) and squeeze in seeing everyone before we leave for the year.


If you are in the area and want to meet up, let us know! Email is always best:


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