It’s official. I’m going.

No, Tom is not. Nor are the kids.

Yes. We are all going to be okay. Lord willing.

November 28th I, along with 13 other members of a work team, will be heading to Haiti for eight days of service. For Tom and I this is a fruition of our dream: To use our skills and passions to serve those in need. Although we get to do so from afar every day we work at the office in Elkhart, I am excited for the opportunity for some hands-on work in the field. While on the ground in Haiti I will be working at an orphanage ran by Kids Alive International (a partner ministry of the Technology Center).  My focus is to improve the nutritional status of the children in their care. Not only will I get the chance to work with the ladies who run the kitchen and the house mothers who care for the children at the orphanage, I will also have the opportunity to get involved in community programs that serve the community at large.

Tom will be man-ing the home front with the boys, whom we feel are too young to join in the effort this time. Thankfully, my mother is also going to help hold down the fort in Elkhart during my absence, which will allow Tom to keep working on his projects while I’m away. Yes, we are asking the family (including a nurseling who will be 13 months at the time) to give up mommy for 8 days. A husband to give up his wife. A Baba (Grandmother) to travel to Elkhart to help with the kids… But these sacrifices will be so worth it. And we are all called to make them:

“…look after orphans and widows…” James 1:27

Kids Alive International


Each member of the service team is tasked with raising the funds required for travel and in-country expenses. The cost for this trip is approximately $1,500. If you would like to help with these costs, that would be awesome! All donations will receive a tax receipt. Give easily (and securely) online:

–> For those in Canada, please click this button:


–> For those in the US, please follow this link!


We are also tasked with filling our second allotted suitcase with donations the orphanage is in need of. If you would be interested in shopping for some items to send down, please contact me for the list of items the orphanage is hoping for!

And, as always, prayers are required! It’s our desire to make an impact during our time on the ground and, Lord willing, an impact with an eternal effect.


Thank you for your support!


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