This is it! We are, literally, going now!!!
After an amazing crew of friends helped us pack the uHaul truck on Sunday, June 1st, Tom and his dad rolled out of town Monday morning – Elkhart bound! The kids, my mom and I are hanging back at a friend’s house to allow the guys a few days to get to there, get unpacked, and get a rental car. They will meet us at the airport in South Bend, Indiana on Wednesday afternoon.
This past week has been incredibly busy, a tad overwhelming, and a whole lot emotional. Such a time of excitement, joy, and anticipation, peppered with good-byes, thank yous, and see-you-laters.
The kids have been troopers. Our friends are amazing. Our parents are so supportive (read: using their spare time to fly out here and help us relocate. I’m not sure you can get cooler than that). We are blessed! THANK YOU ALL!
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