I’ve been looking forward to sharing this good news: We’re having a boy! Five of a kind. If this was Yahtzee, that would be at least 50 points!

Our boys on the outside are looking forward to meeting the one on the inside.

Girls are nice too, but we trust that God knows exactly what we need in this family and that’s what He’s sending our way. We couldn’t be more excited.
To be honest, it’s been a bit of a rough ride. I know we’re supposed to cast our cares on the Lord and never be anxious—and I’ve been trying—but since losing Samuel, I can’t help but consider how fragile life in the womb can be.
But boy howdy has this underlined and highlighted and circled and illuminated in flashing lights how precious these babies are. The ones still in the womb. Knit together, as the psalmist says. Already known and loved by us, but even more so by their Creator.
They are made in the image of God, as are we all. Our little guy is wriggling and bumping and exploring his little space, blissfully oblivious to the problems of this outside-the-womb world. Yet we know he’s listening and reacting to it: His brain is thinking, his heart is pumping, his ears are hearing, his legs are kicking, his fingers are feeling, he probably even sees the bright of day (although dimly).
I feel like this is God allowing His children to share in His amazing power of creation. I’m full of joy to think of these few men I’ve helped create. I can’t imagine how much joy He had in creating the whole world!
I’ve also got a Yahtzee at the Mission. Five young men from various universities are spending their summer with us, and with me in particular.

The five interns serving at SonSet Solutions this summer.
Alex, Kurt, Josiah, Tyler, and Joao have agreed to be our guinea pigs thought leaders in terms of embracing artificial intelligence (AI) in missions work. They’re using it to generate code, automate mundane and time consuming tasks, and enable non-technical people to accomplish incredibly technical undertakings. For example, they’re figuring out how to empower our ministry partners to graph, map, and visualize all of their clean water resources using a plain-language request, like: “Show me a map of all my wells that need repair within a 30-minute drive of Eldoret, Kenya.”

It’s pretty impressive stuff and these young minds are taking to it like a fish to water. May the Lord grant us wisdom as we guide them technically, but even more importantly—help them experience the joy of serving the Lord with gifts that He’s given us.

We treasure your prayers as we pour into all these young men in our lives.  
Tom (and Candice and the boys)

Tom and Candice Scatliff
Home phone: 574-575-8735
Email: candice.and.tom@gmail.com
Web: www.candiceandtom.com
or missiongo.org/scatliff
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