Our bags are packed; we are ready to go to! The kids are excited and we are eager to get down to work at Kudjip Hospital. Our flights leave in one week.

Except, we won’t be on them.

This morning we were notified that, despite our greatest efforts, we have not yet been granted the necessary approvals to enter PNG — and they won’t arrive before our flight departs. This is just something that happens when you work in multiple countries… You need the country’s approval, and sometimes those are hard to secure on our timelines. We are frustrated and disappointed, but trusting the Lord’s timing in this.

I won’t bog you down with the details (unless you want to know them, I’m happy to share!) but we are looking at a delay of weeks, possibly months. But the plan is still to go. We had to book flights to be eligible to apply, and now we’ll cancel them and rebook when the approvals are complete. We’ll keep you updated as we know more; in the meantime, there is a lot of good Kingdom work to be done here at the mission.

We thank you for the prayers and the investment that you’ve entrusted to us. We can’t wait to take it to the field when the Lord allows.

“I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly.”
Isaiah 60:22b

Tom and Candice Scatliff
Home phone: 574-575-8735
Email: candice.and.tom@gmail.com
Web: www.candiceandtom.com
or missiongo.org/scatliff
MissionGO Canada
PO Box 1210
St. Catharines, ON L2R 7A7
MissionGO USA
PO Box 2010
Buffalo, NY 14231-2010

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