“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
John 1:5
It’s been a tough year. Our family has experienced crushing loss, physical illness, continued separation from extended family, and large unforeseen expenses. This year we’ve walked through dark valleys, but the darkness has not overcome. The Light has shone (and continues to) through scripture verses, through those checking in on us and helping provide for our needs, through fellow believers praying for us, and through the kindness we’ve received as we’ve walked this valley. I am so grateful for the comfort we have received.
My (Candice’s) physical health continues to be a challenge. I’m now scheduled for double knee surgery on December 22nd and covet your prayers for the recovery period. It will be a quiet and low key Christmas in our house this year.
I apologize that our recent communications have focused far more on our personal lives than the ministry. Rest assured, the ministry continues. Although there are challenges there, too, including a global computer chip shortage (and subsequent necessity to re-engineer nearly every ministry tool Tom is involved with). But despite the challenges, this year has had many blessings and we want to rejoice together for those.
10000 new mini-missionaries (SonSet® radios) just made it through shipping and customs! The Lord can provide even during a global IC shortage. Many are already spoken for, and will be on to their destination soon. Our Christian radio partner in Cote D’Ivoire reports: “These radios have increased the audience of Sinai Radio station considerably. So the best thing that happened to us this year was the donation of solar radios.”
Rejoice that, despite the computer chip shortage, the ministry has been able to ship 5,080 fixed-tuned solar powered radios this year (and another 10,000 more just arrived for processing). These electronic missionaries are able to bring the Gospel to countries and communities permanently closed to Christians or even just temporarily closed to travel. Radio has proven instrumental in reaching the remote during these isolating times.
Rejoice that 505 new water-monitors have been installed this year in various African countries. These ministry tools provide a way to reach, connect, and build rapport with communities so ministry partners can share the Living Water. To think that each of these 505 units will serve between 100-10,000 people – that is a lot of lives impacted!
Rejoice that, overall, the ministry of SonSet Solution has been able to assist 97 ministry partners in 40 different countries with ministry tools (like those listed above), consultation services, and equipment – and that’s just within the first three-quarters of the year.
Margaret has been asking the Lord to bring clean water to her community for decades. This fall, her prayers were answered! Let us rejoice with her, and reflect on what a privilege it is to be God’s hands and feet. Click here to read more of her story.
Please, also rejoice that international travel has been somewhat restored and our organization has sent ministry teams to help hands-on in Kenya, Peru, Malawi, Tanzania, and Belize. Additionally, the advancement and increased ease of use of technology has allowed us to assist various ministry partners by Zoom and the like. Tom and I have been able to attend conferences, assist ministry partners, and provide updates to churches—all virtually—meaning it can be done at a fraction of the cost and without navigating tricky travel restrictions. Now, I think we can all agree that “virtual” in no way replaces the richness of face to face communication—and we eagerly await the day we can connect in person with you again—but I rejoice that technology has advanced to fulfill many of the gaps in the meantime.
Lastly, rejoice with us that ministry continues despite the challenges. Rejoice that the Gospel is reaching the lost, and that the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Let the weary world rejoice!
We apologize that due to life circumstances we were unable to send out Christmas cards this year. Please know that we love you, think of you, and are grateful for you – and certainly look forward to (Lord willing!) being in a healthier spot next year to send you some Christmas joy.
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