Dear friends, what a year it has been! Due to COVID-19, this past year has looked quite different for us, but there is so much to praise God for.
Over the past year, we have not been able to travel abroad to work hands-on with ministry partners, nor have we been able to visit family, supporters, churches, and friends in Canada. However, this has meant that we spent an unprecedented amount of time in Indiana at the mission and Tom has made significant headway on a number of projects. Although, admittedly, to me most of it looks like wires, circuits, and garbled computer code (resembling something a cat would type while walking across the keyboard a great number of times), Tom assures me that significant progress has been made on a number of fronts.
He rewrote the entire software for the SonSet® radios, which was not a small undertaking. This resulted in a more robust product which was capable of doing much more than ever before. I know, that’s a very simple summary, so for anyone wanting more details or a few more technical notes, ask Tom ( |
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