
Quit my job today.

I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time.

And, the thing is, I really liked that job.

Quitting my job means that I’m finally ready to follow what I feel is God’s call on my life… Joining in the technological ministry of the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, IN.

We got confirmation for a June 2nd start date about 10 days ago, and we’ve been buzzing ever since! We’re going on faith that the rest of the support we need will come through, but we’re so close that we feel that God has confirmed our calling — and if God is indeed calling, the support will come, that we can just go on faith.

So we still need, really really need, a few more monthly supporters, and we have to trust the Spirit to do whatever work He has planned in whatever hearts He has picked out in whatever timeline He intends. But we know we are in not just good hands, but THE BEST hands!

So I’m glad to be done, glad to have finally quit. It’s been great work, but I can’t wait to sink my teeth into the work God has in store for me next!


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